Selling Tips

The preparation you put into getting your property ready for sale can be the difference between getting a standard price and a great price. The best part is, it’s not hard, time consuming or expensive. Whatever your motive for selling, the process can either be stress free or tense and disappointing. The good news is that you have the ability to choose. There are four factors that will influence the outcome of any sale.


Buyers for a property can be found all year round however it’s not often that a purchaser for your home is out there, just waiting for you to put your home on the market. Timing, presentation and advertising are all required to bring buyers and sellers together for the best result. Spring is often considered to be the best time to sell but it is also a time when more sellers will put their homes on the market so there will be more competition. Winter usually presents fewer buyers, but the buyers are usually more focused on purchasing and traditionally there will be fewer homes on the market to choose from. 


A tidy home says “Welcome”. Your home should be kept neat and tidy during the period of inspections. It should not necessarily be a “show place” but appear a comfortable home in which to live. Fresh flowers or indoor plants always brighten up a home. While you’re cleaning, think about each room and what furniture really needs to be in it. Rooms look smaller when they are crowded. Clear out anything that’s not needed to create a feeling of spaciousness. Make sure that all minor repairs are completed. Let plenty of light into your home. Nothing improves atmosphere more than brightness. 


One of the most powerful selling tools we have today is the internet. Our research shows that more than 90% of buyers search the internet first when looking for a property. At Reece Realty we make sure all our sale properties are displayed across all the major real estate websites. You should also make sure your agent has an extensive database of potential buyers that can be emailed the moment your property is ready to market.

Even the best marketing campaign will fall short if the price is not right. Set the price too low and you may get a quick sale but not the dollars you deserve. Set the price too high and potential buyers may not even look at your property. Getting the price right at the beginning of the campaign is critical because many real estate websites will only send alerts to buyers when a property is first listed not when a price is adjusted later in the campaign. In this age of digital communication you have a very small window to get the buyers attention so you need to make sure everything is perfect from the start.